Monday, May 07, 2012
Friday, December 19, 2008
Do Fairies Exist

Fairies - supernatural beings with magical powers - have existed in literature from Greek and Roman mythology to medieval legends to modern American bedtime stories. Although fairies look human, they are typically able to fly, cast spells (as with Tinkerbell's pixie dust) and they can sometimes foretell the future.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Chris Titan Does Your Mom
Chris Titans Happy New Year message comes with a stark warning hidden in the depths of his link, which I know loads of you received.
Lucky for me he also sent me his fancy dress costume for this years bash. Neurocam HQ is holding a secret New year bash for ex operatives and phase one managment.
i cannot disclose the location but if you see this figure prowling in a town near you, then you know your close.
Happy new year to all Neurocam Personel past and present.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Neurocam supports Alien Abductees
Good news for all alien abductee's and researchers into the astranomical universe. Neurocam International has issues a statement in support of those researches of intelligent life forms off our planet and to those who have suffered inconsequential loss due to being researched on by ET
Ulysseslazarus, Operative Neurocam International states:
Neurocam International Supports You! (Click to reply)submitted: 11/12/2006 2:28 PMby: ulysseslazarus@...
Dear AbducteesAs a duly appointed representative of Neurocam International, I am taking the opportunity to voice the support of the entire Neurocam family for your operation. In the contemporary age of alien abduction, NI supports groups like The John E Mack Institute which seek to enlighten us all concerning mysterious phenomenon. NI has observed a number of groups internationally in this regard and found you worth of their support.Sincerely, Ulysses Lazarus Operative Neurocam International
I urge any Operative out there who has suffered at the hands of Aliens to contact me so that I can pass on the details to the appropriate Neurocam official who will arrange for your immediate treatment for post traumatic stress syndrome on one of Neurocam International World Wide trauma centers for Operatives who have been injured on operational duties.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Neurocam International Convention 2007
The Neurocam International convention 2007 is a date for all operatives past and present. It is a date to be highlighted in fluorescent pink with triple asterisk's marks.
I have been advised that the Convention, which is not hosted yearly I should add, plans to be the greatest yet held by Neurocam International. More guest speakers on the agenda, along with an operational diary for forthcoming commitments, which to my knowledge is again a first, shall be enlightened to those enrolled in Phase two operations.
You will have an opportunity to shake hands with some of Neurocam Internationals leading figures including a CEO from a generation almost forgotten in our modern times.
I have it on good authority that a free registration Texas Hold'um Poker tournament is being held on one of the evenings with a prize which is yet to be confirmed for the winner.
Any interested parties wishing to attend the function should contact with haste, for further information and booking forms.
See you there folks