You, the unwary Neurocam Operative, the sufferer of mind-bending connotations of an organisation enthralled in mystery and unknowing are not alone. I am the Maharishi to the Operatives of this manipulating organization, your guide and advisor along the fearful road you may tread. Wherever you are, what ever you are doing there is a guiding light, a helping hand, a listening ear and a friendly voice to help you on your journey. Tread with confidence not with fear. Most of all enjoy. Beltaine

Friday, December 19, 2008

Do Fairies Exist

Fairies - supernatural beings with magical powers - have existed in literature from Greek and Roman mythology to medieval legends to modern American bedtime stories. Although fairies look human, they are typically able to fly, cast spells (as with Tinkerbell's pixie dust) and they can sometimes foretell the future.


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